Friday, 26 June 2009

Peeling back the layers

As in my last blog I have felt that God is breaking down all the things I put my strength in. It's like an onion, there are layers and as you peel them away you eventually get to the core of everything.

As a defence to getting hurt I've done this layering I've blocked myself in shut myself in a small room and built up thick walls around me so that no one can reach me. It's like an analogy I thought up earlier. Imagine a cut, a large cut, it starts to heal and you let someone see it but instead of helping you to heal they get a knife and split it open again. You hurt and the pain is bigger than the pain before but you start to heal again. Then you forget that pain and you open up again and it happens all over again. Therefore as a result I have built up a protection around myself.

Recently I have felt that God is stripping away the layers and getting to my core to who I really am. It's really hard because I try to protect myself and to keep my barriers up because I don't want to get a chance to hurt me again.

I have to build my trust and faith in God and He has the power to get me through it. I also think secondly I need to open myself up to those that care for and love me and therefore want to help me. In away God has put these people there for me to lean on them and to see His love for me through them

Thank you Jesus you are opening my eyes.

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